Complimentary course

Module 1: Nutrition 101 for Healthcare Providers

For healthcare providers who already recommend nutrition as a part of their practice or for providers who want to know if they should be recommending nutritional advice in their practice. Laura Kopec has been a health educator, published author and podcast host for more than a decade. She offers one on one or small group provider training and will be posting more Master Classes as the year progresses. 

Full Episode is available for purchase on our website.

Master Class: Genova Diagnostics GI Effects, Episode 1 of 4

For healthcare providers and practitioners who are either interested in using and learning about functional testing such as Genova GI Effects or if you already use this panel in practice but would like a new and fresh perspective on the use of this panel. This presentation may also be useful for individuals who want to spend more time understanding the assessments available on gut health within the information provided.

Functional Test: HPG-Complete

Neurohormone Panel sample review

Join Laura as she reviews a sample report of her favorite functional hormone panel in an easy to understand way, which she refers to as the neurohormone panel, which includes hormones, adrenal health and neurotransmitters. Laura is a functional naturopath, health educator and runs an integrative functional practice taking in person and virtual appointments. Individuals that may benefit from this kind of assessment include those suffering from adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, high stress, hormone imbalances, fertility, PCOS, mental health concerns.